Well, I think it will be 7 years. I recently returned to factory settings, it was better than before, and my phone is getting better when I say it is broken. model lg g2 mini by the way.

I have been using gm 9 pro for 2 years. I use 3 years more.

I had 4.5 years with a samsung galaxy note 3.
now it has become obligatory. It is highly likely that I will change the battery and continue with the note 8.

I have been using lg g4 for 5 years. manages Since I have no worries about getting every update instantly on whatsappa, twittera, instagram, it is somehow enough.

Let's say we use it for two years, not battery life.

I have been an iphone 7 user since December 2017. It is approaching its 3rd year and all I have to do is change its battery. after that, no matter how long it goes.