The person who can be viewed at .

For those who find the movements of idioteque very original (see: ian curtis )

A person who can make a health comment after his songs that I heard from birth with an eye closed

Thomas edward yorke, whose full name is Thomas Edward Yorke, has an enchanting voice, is incredibly attractive even if it is very out of the norms of personality, has a unique style of clothing, the fact that one eye is dark and the occasional flickering of your eye adds an incredible charm to it, the talented and in love of the British society radiohead lead singer.

He is one of the talented musicians gifted to humanity by a "land of music", which was formed depending on the established culture of the United Kingdom, or rather the British, for ages. The frontman of the band that steers the music of the 90s and today (in this context, the pink floyd of the 70s and the beatles before them had the same task) is a man who is transparent enough to get ideas about himself and his music by just looking at his life story. my personal opinion has an intensity and sensitivity that can only be reached by opening a certain pain threshold. In addition to his beautiful voice, he gives the audience a great pleasure by singing the songs by feeling them. He plays the guitar, plays the piano, whatever you do. You won't find anything bad about his private life, even in his youth. He clearly stands behind his political discourse and does not hesitate to mention it to the bottom in his songs. The fact that a man who earns money with a burden of donation still travels in fiat font serves as a cover for today's show socialists.

the person who integrates with the microphone in some songs on the stage, makes love, kisses more provocative than all kinds of porn on the market, and the sex scene in a variety of themed movies.

one of those rare men who can be both ugly and incredibly attractive at the same time.