One of the bands at the extreme ends of heavy metal . As the scents of thrash metal historically date back to punk , alternative listeners with the same type of notational variations also like this ba...
It is a big heavy metal band that almost every band belonging to the bay area thrash metal movement of the early 80's took as an example and they wore their tapes at concerts. harley davidson and marl...
The band that made rust in peace , considered one of the best heavy metal albums of all time. Although many employees have changed since its establishment, dave mustaine and david ellefson have always...
they knead techno-industrial-classical music with metal as they say. They have 3 albums. are the schlechst of knorkator, hasenchartbreaker, and tribute to uns selbst, respectively. He successfully cov...
He attacked one of the group members with an ax but could not catch the escaped member.
what i know is he is in a mental hospital in england now
(see highway to hell ) is an acdc song that doesn't start with the chime in the beginning. for bells (see hells bells )...