There is a space telescope called Kepler, and this telescope is a telescope that can look exactly 3000 light years away.

The Kepler space telescope has discovered 977, yet unconfirmed, 2500 planets.

The area it has scanned is even smaller than one billion of the total space, and 2500 planets have been discovered in such a small region.

There are millions of stars and hundreds of millions more planets of these millions of stars in our own galaxy that we cannot see.

There are millions of galaxies we haven't discovered.

Those millions of galaxies, billions of stars, and those billions of stars have trillions of planets.

Now rethink the question, are we alone?

Carl Sagan says: "To think we are alone in the universe is the same as taking just a glass of water from the ocean and looking at this water and saying there are no whales."

There is a space telescope called Kepler, and this telescope is a telescope that can look exactly 3000 light years away.

The Kepler space telescope has discovered 977, yet unconfirmed, 2500 planets.

The area it has scanned is even smaller than one billion of the total space, and 2500 planets have been discovered in such a small region.

There are millions of stars and hundreds of millions more planets of these millions of stars in our own galaxy that we cannot see.

There are millions of galaxies we haven't discovered.

Those millions of galaxies, billions of stars, and those billions of stars have trillions of planets.

Now rethink the question, are we alone?

Carl Sagan says: "To think we are alone in the universe is the same as taking just a glass of water from the ocean and looking at this water and saying there are no whales."

yes we are alone There is only one human being in the whole universe. There are zillion planets and stars, but we are the only living race in the world of my code. What kind of ego is this?

When you say "alone" rather than one, more literary meanings come to mind. It's like feeling lonely even if we're not alone. to be alone in the crowd ..

In this sense, whether there are aliens or not, we are alone, brother. Let me give a good example that I have given before. Put a dot on the floor in your house with a pencil. let this point be 1mm in diameter. Let's call it the world. So we are scaling, we reduced the volume to 1 mm. In this case, the sun becomes an orange 10 meters from this point. I mean, a sphere measuring 10 cm in diameter and I said orange. Take you the approximate scaling of the earth sun and the distance between them. So where is the nearest star, proxima centauri, in this case? 3000 kilometers away !! that is, if you are in Istanbul, it stands as a tangerine in a house in France. Look, I said the closest star. In other words, when there are cycyrillion stars and planets, the people in the universe imagine them like a dust cloud from the construction site, as if they are all close to each other. The voyager, which was launched 30 years ago to go as far as it can go, has not even left your neighborhood yet.

In this case, we are all alone brother. For example, it is said that statistically, there may be a planet with 1 million life in the Milky Way galaxy alone. Let's say it really is. What has changed.? All alone again. You're an ant at the top of a mountain of pain. Will your feeling of loneliness pass when you learn that there is an ant on the top of the new york freedom monument in the world?

"Saying there is no one in the universe is like taking a glass of water from the ocean and saying there are no whales."

(see: carl sagan )

The question I want to answer is that we are not. If we ask why;

- There are unlimited possibilities in a time / space known as infinite.

- Just as we are a developed / developing life form, another possible life form has been or has gone through the same process.

Today we are only just beginning to understand our own solar system with the help of technology, our longest manned space travel is not even 1 million kilometers.

- finally, let's talk about some unpleasant things. I don't understand why human beings long for an over-developed race that can travel millions of light years away into our world. I think that a race with that technology also has the technology to defrost us.

What difference does it make? If the world lived in the loneliness of billions of light-years in the universe while living alone on the planet of billions, did the light burn?

The conclusion I reached by using a very simple logic is that;
a leaf to a branch, a branch to a tree trunk, a tree trunk to roots, those roots to the soil, that earth to water, that water to the cloud, that cloud to the sky, that sky to a planet, that planet to a star system, that system to a galaxy and If all this needs a creator when we go on and on, if this creator creates the whole universe in a measured and orderly point from a creative point. If it is a guest for all of them and sends their blessings to these guests, I also say that I will create an empty planet that only takes centuries to be discovered did not make sense to me. it is a blessing of a vehicle or another guest, but if there is something I know for sure, everything has a reason and these reasons will not be inconclusive. I could grasp these with my little mind ....

I do not think. If you say that you don't care about us, stephen hawkingin says "Are we alone?" I recommend you to watch the interview documentary named. hawking has even convinced himself so much that we are not alone, not so eager to find aliens, that they may not be our friends. The idea that we are not alone is not against science. As a matter of fact, there are theories that the seeds of life may have come to Earth from another planet. So I think it's not unlikely that there will be other places like our planet that contain carbon and oxygen. And life will surely find a place for itself, I have passed the mass extinctions, something known to be bacteria living even in active volcanoes. In other words, when you ask if we are alone, don't necessarily think of creatures with antennae, huge eyes and ears. these can also be tardigrade-like or simple prokaryotic colonies. Therefore, I am approaching this question from an optimistic point of view, for now, there is no clear answer. Of course, if there is someone who does not fit into the egoistic interior to want this universe only for himself, it is another matter.

There is a saying that skilled seafarers often use against nausea, especially in the "seas", where many experiences are possible even if they have not met; "until now". It is different from saying "I have never had seasickness" and saying "I have never seasicked" or even just saying "seasick". As the master sailor knows that there are infinite possibilities, he states that if a situation has not been experienced yet, even if it is very unlikely to be experienced, he has not yet encountered it, but is always ready for the possibility of it happening, even if "expectantly". me "never seasick until now". thinking like a master sailor, I will not be surprised when I learn that even if we have not encountered other life forms in the vast universe yet, there are.
the whole universe; The possibility that it exists only for people who are parasitic of the world who spend every day doing mystical and physical masturbation and who live for the universe they created in their minds with otherworldly bullshit does not fit my mystical understanding.
the answer to the question; I do not think so.
Definition: It is the pattern of the thought of whether there are other life forms in the universe, which we, who are a being within an entity whose limits and potential do not know, will have difficulty accepting until we meet, but must also accept in advance that he cannot be alone.