be patient and give up some things

The worst thing to do to a person who has hit the bottom is to share your superior ideas and advice with him.

Every situation is unique and has reached this point with its own dynamics. the only thing to do is to come across and listen to it for a long time. is to try to understand. is to divide that stuffed overflow with it with it. he finds himself at the bottom and knows better. understands the meaning of a few things more clearly.

There is no peak without hitting the bottom.

If the cause of hitting the bottom is known, the result can be obtained faster.

do not pity yourself, more importantly, never pity yourself. The pity becomes an addiction as you save the day with the role of the victim, and if you pity yourself, it is the first step towards the path to the destruction of Ben.

If you are at the bottom, my brother, you cannot fall any more. appreciate it and stand up. now is the time to go up.

"always tried, always lost. get it. try again, again renew. better better."
samuel beckett