The band that makes the happiest music in the world. Whenever I listen, I can't stop, I feel fidgety. It is a legend that will never get old.
primary tool I use to get myself on the gas. If one of the nights is taken for 3 exams on the next day while he is under stress of studying and insomnia, it brings people back to life in an instant. in my view, coffee is $, redbullmu $ is a teasing story next to ac / dc.
The band that won the war machine award for the best hard rock performance at the 52nd Grammy Awards .
I guess there is no need to explain it all too well; unconditionally for me, it is the best rock and roll band ever and their place in my life is always number 1.
It is the best rock band ever and consists of esteemed brothers with kangaroo harassment and school uniforms.
Even though they make straightforward music, they change the rhythm 6-7 times a minute, so the bands that are very popular in some circles (no name needed) are superior people who will never be able to pour water into their hands.
or why am I trying to explain that ac / dc is here, is there any other words?
The band that has a great guitarist that I can't understand how he played that song along with the moves he made in the thunderstruck song (see: duck walk ). *
The band that caused us to fall to the ground with laughter with my roommate when I listened to it for the first time ... Is a soloist's voice interrupted yaw ... we learned later that they were very famous and their name was ac / dc. Well, I still laugh every time I listen to ac / dc ... Is a soloist's voice a split yaw ...
I am a group that can take people out of the world and take their home to lands you do not know, if they listen long enough.
It is rumored that Angus Young's appearance on the stage in his elementary school uniform was in protest against his suspension from school because his poems he wrote during primary school were obscene.