His work 'on religion' is a must-read book. The 'dialogue' section is particularly awesome. This man drags people to great places with subtle references and questions. If you want to get out of the hat like a rabbit and see a completely different world, you have to put yourself in the hands of a wizard like Schopenhauer.

Our author has a nice comment about reading books: he says that reading books in every spare time will be blinded by the author's thinking for you in the act of reading the book.
He says that academics are not aware of this situation.
I think he's really right. More than anything is harmful.

I read that Socrates also talked about the same situation. By not writing any of his thoughts and not reading (?), our brother, who made philosophical conversations with the nation in the market and enlightened them, has already internalized the event.
Reading too much dulls the brain seriously. I also observed it myself.

(see: arthur schopenhauer )

the novel is not read for content. Literary style is not expected from a scientific article. focus on strengths, not integrity

"A genius is unlikely to be a pleasant conversation. What dialogue could be more intelligent and fun than the genius's own monologue?"

The famous philosopher who made the statement that one can act as one wishes, but not as one wishes.