It changes according to the season, time and place.
While the smell of roasted onions when you come home when your stomach is hungry can be a delicious invitation, if you are cooking at home in the early morning (yes, there are people who cook at 8 am) to a nightmare day.
However, the scents, regardless of time and space;
new pies cake
rain & earth odors come first.
Also (see olfactory memory ), cold winter mornings (but when the weather is bright), during periods when the air is heated with charcoal, although there is no pleasant scent, the slightly sooty smell in the air. It is a fragrance that makes me feel strange feelings, although it does not increase the joy of life since it leads to my childhood.
smell of coffee
anise scent
the smell of freshly washed linens
the scent of the person you love
soil smell after rain
the scent of bay leaves, strawberries and a garden tomato.