this girl has a duet part troublemaker with a member from another kpop group which is not like that. I think the whistles at the entrance to the song are just beautiful. but you should definitely watch the clip or your live performance. you would think soft porn.
here you are;
wife like anime character. In addition to having a heavy sweet face, he also brings dirty things to the mind of people with his voice like pikachu.
- pikaa .. piiikaaa .. pikaa .. piiikkaaaa !!!
brother, look at this sweetness, but yeah,…eez3c4&feature=relmfu#t=20s
She's a very bad chick, sir. It's like candy, something weird. As someone who already loves Far Eastern girls, I really liked it. I pop your bubble.
She is the girl whose voice is beautiful, her movements are beautiful, I said that this beautiful weather ruined me
Shaking my chin and voice, I want to slow down saying "you are the most extremely cute thing" in Korean. If you send this chick instead of sending lcd from Korea, our friendship will be strengthened.
korean singer.
Saying gangnam style in the gangnam style piece is not sweet or defective. Because our daughter is not saying "gangnam style" there, but "oppa is just my style" (oppa ddak nae style). "oppa" is a Korean language that girls address to older boys. mister, not like a gentleman, something like a big brother in the sentence "for all this brother", romantically polished. When you want to be official, it is already called "ajusshi".