Real estate king of newyork city, celebrity. In manhattan, he owns many trunks, including trump towers.

According to a city legend, a beggar who stood in front of the hotel and asked for money at a time when he left the plaza from the hotel at a time when he had trouble getting bank debt, and asked "how much money is there?" When the beggar said "2-3 dollars", he thought that he made jokes that "I owe banks 2-3 billion dollars, you are richer than me". The wig-like thing on her head is very funny.

The man who started to serve the popular culture thoroughly thanks to the apprentice. We are watching with curiosity where this work will end.

The person with the most unappealing home in the world.

The man who uses interesting methods to choose staff. He sets up a team consisting of only women and only men from the executive level staff, chooses a leader among each team and gives a certain sky and sends lemonade on the street. At the end of the day, the team that made the most sales continues to work. * The losing team chooses the 2 most incompatible people within itself, and in the light of their reaction to the event, one's work is terminated by donald trump.
"There are two elevators in this building that go upstairs to the street and down the street, you get on down."

nba tv 's i love this game clips, "i love this game if you don't, you're fired".

The human being married on January 22 to the model Melania Knauss.

a person who once went bankrupt but was not known to be the man who restored america

The person who even marketed his own wedding within the information that I've read in a newspaper, paid the wedding expenses to his sponsors and sold all the pictures taken to the magazine for a high amount, in short, even when he was at the wedding .. (see: this is a revolution )

As I watch the apprentice , my respect increases.

In the second season of the contest, Far Eastern origin Ivanna eliminated one step before the final. so that life itself * second ivanaa has also been fired.