In an interview with him about freud, he is a psychiatrist who has renewed my respect for him once again using the following expressions:
r: did freud analyze you personally?
j: of course i told many of my dreams to him. he also told me.
r: he told you that too?
j: yes.
r: Do you remember what stands out in freud's dreams despite all this time?
j: This was an unfounded question. you know that there is such a thing as professional secret.
r: but he's been dead too long.
j: yes, but respect takes longer than life.
"There can be no transforming of darkness into light and of apathy into movement without emotion."
With his ideas on symbols, myths, archetypes, and collective subconscious mind, he is an enlightened great man who, without realizing it, made serious contributions to today's communication sciences ...
"… I don't have a theory about dreams. I don't know how they came about dreams. Also, I'm not even sure how my way of handling them can be considered a scientific method. I also share the prejudices you all have against dream interpretations because they are uncertain and very dependent on one's own enjoyment. .
but on the other hand, when we really examine a dream over and over again, I think it could probably take us somewhere. Of course, this does not have to be a scientific conclusion or a rational conclusion, but I am saying that we can come up with a hint to show what the purpose of the subconscious is, "what is going on in the mind of the subconscious mind ..."
- carl gustav jung -
"the aims of psychotherapy" (1931). collected works - 16, p.86
Jung's statement on synchronization has been transformed into a self-indulgence experience (see synchronization ) ... it is tried to be explained that the possibilities of independent sensory elements to be related to each other are not far away.
He gave concepts such as archetype to psychology, and it is a good thing that he did well to his hands and brain.
"If you want to understand a human, first of all you have to forget everything you know about people,"
"nowhere are we closer to the sublime secret of all origination than in the recognition of our own selves, whom we always think we know already."
One of the three great psychologists with freud and adler . He is an amazing person who has done a lot of reading and studying on fields such as mythology, alchemy, religion and art, observing the natives, and combining his extensive knowledge with his science and signing very successful and interesting theories. In addition, the unity of opposites is of great importance in his teaching, which he calls analytical psychology . According to Jung, just like the yin yang symbol, the opposite of everything is in itself again, and the world is standing by the balance of opposites. The way to be a whole person is to discover opposites within itself. He divided the unconscious into two, personal and collective, and this is one of the most important contributions to the world of psychology. In my opinion, he is a great thinker and has contributed a lot to me. de le guin said : "The psychologist whose views on art are the closest to artists".
He turned to areas where science was skeptical, such as fortune telling, telepathy, clairvoyance, yoga, religious symbols, and dreams, which caused him to be criticized during his time.