It is a justified reproach. these families and their children travel to spoil your journey. That boy does not keep silent all the way, he cries when he takes off, he cries in the air, when he descends, he does not stand still. nothing but tormenting other passengers. The family does not try, although they usually do not care. Special flights should be arranged for families with children or children of families with children should be put to sleep before travel.
a writer reproach for having never (possibly even loved) children. Are these pets, should they be put to sleep before the trip? put on a headset, listen to your music, watch your movie. what are you doing?
I have no doubt that it will be preferred if there are more than one trips a day and a childless option at least once a day in destinations that take more than a few hours. I'm sure there are people willing to pay extra for their journeys from the company that provides it.
If I have to fly for 10 hours and an airline that does not accept passengers under a certain age group during this time will always be my first choice.
usually; It is the discomfort of retarded families who are unable to take their children in front of them and talk like "Come on, come on mommy" or something.
According to my observations, children who do not have severe mental problems behave like human beings if they are raised like humans by humans. education is a must.
Another observation is that this is more problematic in nations that are culturally inferior, for example, when American, Turkish, Pakistani children scream and throw themselves to the ground, the middle class and higher children of the British, French are ladies / gentlemen.
It is a situation that can be easily resolved using in -ear headphones . Whenever I get on a bus, train or plane, even if there are no children making noise near me, there may / even be certain people chatting with each other. Already, this conversation is more common among the people who are keen on it. I wear her ears the subject is closing.
it not been for him I have been wondering whether there are any things you uncomfortable moment
Of course the child does not sit comfortably, gets bored, uncomfortable with pressure, etc. Those who know themselves tolerate them. I have flown for 12 hours with a 12-month-old and a 3-year-old child. I know how people can be helpful and understanding.
but there are also cheeky children and cheeky parents who can turn a 40-minute flight from Izmir to hell. If you are not one of these, you don't need to be bothered.
there are adult only hotels. If my understanding of vacation was about to spread in the big hotel, I would definitely prefer it. I don't know if it can be an adult only flight, it seems impossible after the virus crisis.
There is no such thing as being uncomfortable with families with children on the plane. Some families with children have a situation in the plane, in their home, in the cinema, in the picnic, in the park, at home, they disturb people. Do they have such a right, of course they do not. They think they exist in the new world order.
Looking at the following entries, most people are loaded to the disturbed. I guess it is the custom in this country: we do not blame the thief either, we say why you have it stolen, the harassed person is called "what are you doing there at that hour". Come on this time is called "handle", the nation has turned to shine. Look at the advice supposedly doing good: no ear plug, travel with your jet, no you are selfish, I don't know ... Let's see how far this ship will go with band-aids. There are even those who say "we are not ashamed of the inconvenience we cause." Well, you shouldn't be ashamed of course, because what is it for you to be ashamed?
Add2: Do you say those who accuse the disturbed people of being lack of empathy? Are those who think they can eat sicip every b * ku? woe to you. Then you don't lack empathy, don't bother anyone with your spoiled child, a bit of upbringing is a problem that can be overcome with a little respect, while it is the title that shows us that insensitive cheeky parents are not a legend. you are like a sign of apocalypse.
(see: respect for the elderly, no love left for the little ones )
"'s how selfish people are. when you're on a plane and you hear baby crying you think that's happening to you. like, "this's gonna ruin my flight! it's gonna ruin it!"
well look at the parent. because that person is holding a crying baby on a plane. which means they've been traveling with a baby all day which means they have a -baby-. so their life isn't even good."
-louis ck
Children crying on the plane are usually 0-2 years old and be sure, their parents are disturbed as much as you, I could not understand until yesterday that I did not understand how a generation who dwelled next to the sazer in the street weddings, played marbles on the street, cursed and smuggled on the city buses, to the level of such sophisticated civilizations. It reached.
My son, ask your mother and father what did you do on bus and train travels at that age.
This mob, which does not tolerate its human children, is sensitive enough to establish paw stations ... it has not been your conscience. No matter how much you make up, you don't have to make up.
You can avoid this problem by flying with your private jet.
If you are using public transportation (no matter if it is full, bus, train, ship, plane, space shuttle), try to mature enough not to be a complainant from a child who is not mature enough to suppress calls from his (see id ).