loneliness should definitely be chosen, anyway bad relationship means unhappy loneliness.
bad relationship makes the loss of loneliness. loneliness has a quality. Even you can't believe the point that bad relationship brought you.
grimacing at a good morning message from the person you do not want, etc. only to encounter discount notifications
I used to say loneliness but now I say bad relationship at least gives experience. After that much loneliness, the more loneliness can disrupt the psychology. You may experience bad relationships and be thankful for your loneliness.
loneliness. The bad relationship makes you cease to be you, consume, end up, compromise your personality. Do not be afraid of loneliness.
give me a reminder of this saying;
"No loneliness is as bad as a relationship where you feel lonely"
I could not remember who it was.
aga loneliness or I tried to return to a bad relationship, I met one day, I regretted a thousand, it really should not reduce human quality